This year’s national March for Life was enlivened by the hope that the U.S. Supreme Court may soon decide the fate of Roe v. Wade. The court heard arguments for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health in December. It is the most serious challenge to procured abortion in three decades. Pro-life Americans are now asking what a post-Roe America will look like.
Adding to the enthusiasm is the Texas Heartbeat Act that has stopped most of the abortion killing in the Lone Star State for several months. Other states may follow this good example. The movement reflects vast sectors of the American public who reject abortion, making it de facto unavailable in many areas of the nation.
A March of Hope
These hopeful perspectives filled the hundreds of thousands from around the nation who gathered for the 49th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., on January 21. The yearly event marks the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion on demand in 1973.

Members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) motivated the marchers with music from the Holy Choirs of Angels Band, complete with bagpipes, brass and drums. Volunteers formed an honor guard to carry a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima. As the great crowd processed past the statue, large numbers paused and offered prayers to the Blessed Mother, asking for the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
“There definitely is a change of mood here,” commented TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. “The momentum is not with the pro-abortion crowd.”
TFP members also carried a banner that read: “A post-Roe America must reject the entire sexual revolution. America must return to God and promote a culture of purity.”
Despite the freezing conditions, an immense crowd filled the streets, including huge numbers of young people full of enthusiasm for the cause of the unborn and the future of the family. A veritable sea of banners and signs from groups around the nation blanketed the National Mall as the opening rally began.
The Day After: What Is Our Dream for a Post-Roe America?
Volunteers of the American TFP distributed a flyer titled: “The Day After: What Is Our Dream for a Post-Roe America?”

The message focuses on how America needs to act after Roe v. Wade. America must resist the temptation to go 1972. “However, pro-lifers know that nothing will be resolved if we only return to the pre-Roe situation of letting the states decide the legal status of abortion in their jurisdictions…A post-Roe America must end all procured abortion nationwide. We cannot rest until all fifty states are freed from this moral scourge that stains the nation’s honor,” reads the flier.
The TFP statement also emphasized that abortion is one of the many interconnected non-negotiable moral issues. Post-Roe America must be a nation that realizes that “procured abortion is intrinsically evil.” It must fight not only against abortion but “sins of impurity…the sexual revolution of the sixties…it must uphold and praise true marriage (the lifelong union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others)…contraception and no-fault divorce to the present LGBTQ+ agenda in all its moral horror.”
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Post-Roe America must praise “the practice of chastity” and a return to God’s moral order.
“A defeat of abortion would be incomplete if it did not address the devastating effects of the sexual revolution,” TFP author John Horvat said. “The only way forward is a return to order.”
A Return to God and Order
With this march, America pleads to God, asking for not just an end to the sin of abortion but all those actions that offend God in today’s world.
May Our Blessed Mother move America toward her Divine Son and make the nation a place that loves order.