The contrast could not be greater to the protesters assembled outside the Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C. The Embassy is an elegant well-kept building of classical architecture. It serves as the diplomatic offices of a communist nation in shambles. The anti-natural Marxist regime cannot feed its people or maintain its buildings in Cuba. It is now brutally suppressing anyone who disagrees with its policies.
The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) held an August 5 press conference and rally supporting recent protests in Cuba, crying out to the West for help. The event preceded the delivery of a petition to President Joe Biden with 71,128 signatures asking him to take strong measures to free Cuba from communist tyranny.
The advocates for regime change in Cuba gathered in front of the embassy, where speakers, including Cuban-Americans, denounced the communist regime in the strongest terms. The recent anti-communist protests were some of the most widespread in decades. For this reason, the government has brutally suppressed and isolated them.
American TFP director C. Preston Noel III organized the event and introduced the speakers. He reiterated the need for a consistent message on the part of the Biden Administration in the face of communism. Speaking on behalf of the American TFP was its vice president, John Horvat II.

“To understand the threat of Cuba, we must see the nation in the context of the prophecies of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917,” said Mr. Horvat. “Only then does it make sense.” He called Cuba “an instrument to spread the error of Russia throughout the world,” pointing to a greater need to repent and convert as the Blessed Mother asked.
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“We come here today before the embassy of the island/prison of Cuba to make our voices, and that of 71,128 signers heard,” affirmed the author of the award-winning book, Return to Order. “We denounce the regime and, above all, the complicity of the West. We refuse to be silent in the face of this regime’s brutality.”
Sergio de Paz spoke on behalf of the Miami-based Cuban exile group Cubanos Desterrados. The dynamic Cuban native minced no words against the “Satanic communist regime.”

“We have to keep up the good fight,” he said. “They’re not asking for food. They’re not asking for vaccines. They’re asking to be free from this regime.” He put the current efforts under the protection of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, patroness of Cuba.
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Cuban-American activist Rafael Garcia, of Lafayette, Louisiana, also spoke at the rally. He remembered the hundreds who have disappeared after the July 11 anti-communist protests. He read many of their names and demanded accountability.

“Our people are starving because our land doesn’t produce,” Mr. Garcia said. “Our factories are closed already because of the system that we have. Communism fails everywhere. It fails in Cuba. My people are dying.”
The event included a public Rosary in the presence of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima carried by TFP members in ceremonial garb.
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The American TFP has a long history of denouncing Fidel Castro and his brutal persecution of the Church and enslavement of the Cuban people through books, publications, street campaigns and other actions. The organization has also highlighted the scandalous support of the Catholic left for the Castro regime. It also believes the weakness of the West is responsible for keeping the communist government in power.
After the symbolic event, the American TFP sent the petition to the White House. The judgment of God and History will be severe if America fails to act.