On February 21, John Horvat II was the guest speaker for the Economics Club at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The meeting took place at the School of Business.
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The topic of the talk was “Return to Order: A Distinctly Catholic View of Contemporary Economics.” He discussed how most Catholics do not make the connection between economics and the Faith. He sought to show how Catholic and economy are two words that can come together.
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The one-hour talk drew from ideas found in the book, Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Go Here, and Where We Need to Go. The author presented three characteristics of a Catholic economy based on his research of medieval society and culture.
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“I hope my presentation helps you look beyond the Economics 101 texts that have dominated business schools for decades,” Mr. Horvat concluded. “I hope that you will feel challenged to explore this boarder perspective of a Catholic economy to see better where we went wrong in our economy and our culture. And where we need to go.”
Mr. Horvat has spoken on several campuses and found students receptive to the idea of a return to order.
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Need a speaker for your function or classroom? See about having John Horvat speak by contacting him directly at jh1908@aol.com.