Need a Speaker for 2018?

Need a Speaker for 2018?
“Mr. Horvat has spoken at hundreds of events”

If you like the ideas found in the book, Return to Order, now is the time to schedule author John Horvat II to address your group or gathering for 2018. Over the years, Mr. Horvat has spoken at hundreds of events and functions with his clear message to bring America back to God and Christian order.

Mr. Horvat can speak to your church, pro-life or conservative groups. Bring him to your classes, study groups or universities to talk on academic and sound economic subjects. Sponsor a book signing or home event with family and friends. Feature him on your radio program or show. He makes the ideas found in his book come alive.

Free Book: Return to Order: From a Frenzied Economy to an Organic Christian Society—Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go


“My goal is to get America talking about those vital core issues that no one is talking about,” says Mr. Horvat. “To do this, I will go anywhere and talk to anyone. The most important thing is to get the message out.”

Invite him to any place where the idea of a return to order can inspire, encourage and motivate people to change America for the better. His talks have already helped make this award-winning book an important contribution shaping the debate over America’s future.

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Mr. Horvat can take any chapter from Return to Order and turn into a lively point of discussion.

Feel free to choose from these topics of Mr. Horvat’s more recent talks:

  • “The Coming Pro-Life Challenges: What It Will Take to Win.”
  • “Return to Order: The Only Real Option for the Coming Millennials”
  • “Return to Order: A Distinctly Catholic View of Contemporary Economics”
  • “America’s Fatima Future:  What It Will Take to Make It Happen”
  • “The Benedict Option and a Return to Order”
  • “A ‘Way of the Cross’ Society”
  • “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother: The Key to Bringing America Back to Order”
  • “Masculinity as Revealed through Medieval Chivalric Legends”
  • “The Challenges of Big Government: When Caesar Wants What Isn’t His”
  • Other talks addressing subjects discussed in Return to Order.

There are still slots open on Mr. Horvat’s speaking schedule for 2018. No event or group is too big or small for a presentation. Please act soon to guarantee availability. To schedule a “Return to Order” event, please contact John at this email address:

or call him at 717-225-7147 ex. 227.

What Does Saint Thomas Say About Immigration?

Some Testimonials

“Your talk was very successful. They really got a lot out your message and we spent some time tonight talking about it. God bless you for all you do for our Lord and the Blessed Mother!!! We need you badly to be the light in the midst of darkness.”
— Helen McMinn- Pro-life Activist, Reading, Penn.


“I wanted to thank John Horvat II for speaking at our Catholic Business Breakfast. His address was spot on and everyone who came to the Harbour Club that morning was delighted. I hope that Return to Order will continue to inspire that much-needed regeneration of wisdom and virtue in America.”
— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bascom- Charleston, SC


“His talk was very useful. It helped me understand that the current economic crisis finds its root in a moral crisis.  Mr. Horvat gave us concrete solutions to turn the tide.”
— Michel de Keukelaere- Law Student, Brussels


“I fear that good-hearted, Christian, family-loving folks have almost lost sight of what is truly important in our human journey.  John Horvat II hasn’t forgotten. … He explained with amazing clarity “where we’ve been, how we got here and where we need to go.”  John Horvat’s book Return to Order is the medicine our patriots need.  He presented it with grace, charm and humility.  The audience was spellbound and was left to realize that we had just witnessed greatness.  God bless and be with you, John.
— Jan Lenox- Director Tea Party Patriots of Southern New Jersey