Written by Damien Murphy*
In our modern economy, the rule of money dominates. Of course, what is meant by a rule of money is the misuse of money. Unfortunately, this rule of money has many consequences such as artificiality over real human relationships
This recently played out when the accounting office of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family & Property – TFP bought new desks to accommodate extra volunteers.
However, out of the four desks, three tabletops had been damaged. After receiving complaints about the desks, the Canadian company agreed to send new ones but wanted the first ones returned. Although only three tabletops had been damaged the company sent four complete desks. In the second batch, one of the tabletops was damaged. By this point though, it was not worth going through the blundering bureaucracy of the furniture company and one volunteer has to be content with a bent tabletop.
All this trouble could have been avoided if the company had treated the exchange as between two people rather than an inflow of money and an outflow of inventory. But commerce has lost the human touch it once had. In other words, the transaction was artificial. People were treated like numbers while the products were manufactured and shipped carelessly. This mentality is completely contrary to what John Horvat writes in Return to Order. We need to return to a business model where honor prevails over the rule of money.